Lizard King, Mixed Media

Lizard King Sketch, 5"x4", Ball Point Pen
I keep sketching and doodling close in terms what is valuable about them. That is the sweet spot when I am working because it allows me to stay lose but also have an objective. I solve my value composition in this stage, creating arrangement of noise against silhouettes.

Lizard King Process, 20"x30", Mixed Media
This is actually an old post but it is one of the few recordings I have of a piece done from start to finish. It starts out with a rough drawing along with a cool wash. I chose the wash as a cool color, knowing the final image would be on the warmer side just to have the contrast underneath. Steps 2-4, is my "Awkward Hair Growth" phase. It's basically a back and forth of creating form, scribbling everywhere, and using random mediums to build up layers. Number 5 is when I tie those forms together, mostly with colored pencils and acrylics before I polish up minor details in the finish.